RSD and Me!

I began looking at the RSD Framework for use at the program level.  Stout’s Technology Education program is currently incorporating a pre-service teacher assessment called the edTPA into the program.  I see the edTPA as applied research.  A number of initiatives aimed at improving teacher quality are occurring at the state and national levels.  Professional development plans, assessment systems and the edTPA all have the same end goal.  However, they all use terminology specific to the publisher or group that developed them.  There is not congruity between the terminology professionals see as an undergraduate pre-service teacher and the terminology they will see after graduation as an in-service teacher.  I am planning on using the RSD Framework to start a conversation with the Career and Technical faculty here at Stout to identify how research is incorporated into specific programs and how program-specific language can be used.

Kitrina had a great idea in to use the list of ideas from page 8 University of South Pacific’s STAR – Workgroup 5 report found at:  I can use this list to help further the conversation.  Thanks Kitrina!  Thanks USP!

This project will tie into Stout’s enduring goal of promoting excellence in teaching, research, scholarship and service.

I am hoping to start my project in the next week as I talk to two program directors about the RSD framework.  We’ll see where it goes.

One thought on “RSD and Me!”

  1. This is great to know Sylvia. I am currently beginning to collaborate with a few teachers in local high schools, especially exploring the adaptation and use of the RSD in Year 8 Science.

    Not sure if you have had a look at Oakland Schools Michigan adaptation of the RSD

    The original design brief (and the title of the first article) of the RSD included ‘from primary school to PhD’. In Australia, Primary School is the US Elementary School.

    So, I am particularly interested in how your work proceeds with pre-service teachers. Over the next few years, I think that there will be a number of opportunities for collaboration in that space and also with in-service teachers.


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